The Ohio District of Circle K International has the opportunity to organize three state-wide events for Circle K Members to attend. To keep these events as accessible as possible, sponsorships are open to offset the costs and provide members with engaging service projects, leadership training, and fellowship networking opportunities. Support us today as we welcome the district to District Convention 2025!
$50 Bourbon Street Band Sponsor receives a social media shoutout!
$100 Parade Float Sponsor receives a social media and program shoutout!
$250 Royal Court Sponsor receives a social media and program shoutout, and an announcement at the event!
KICK: Kiwanis Investing in Circle K
As a Kiwanian, most of us acknowledge the unqualified success of our Service Leadership Programs in building the leaders of tomorrow. Kiwanis Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K, and Aktion Club are fantastic examples of how we are changing the world, one community and one child at a time. Thank you for all that you do to support these Kiwanis Family organizations.
That being said, one of our organizations can use your assistance. If you have had a student in college, you know how much it costs to send children to school. Circle K students simply have a difficult time finding the money to attend conventions and conferences that help develop the leadership skills they need. Due to economic conditions, our college service group finds it very difficult to find the needed funding to operate their conventions, conferences, and leadership training sessions. We need your help to ensure that quality training continues on a district-wide basis without the need to significantly increase the cost to our students. What can you do?
Individual Kiwanis members can make a “tax deductible” donation to the Ohio District Kiwanis Foundation through their K.I.C.K. fund (Kiwanis Investing in Circle K). Donations can be mailed directly to the Ohio District Kiwanis Foundation, PO BOX 668 Circleville, Ohio 43113. Be sure to note that this is for KICK.
Kiwanis Clubs can make contributions from their Service Budgets to the KICK Program to help us keep our conventions and leadership training opportunities affordable for all Circle K Students.
If you or your club can assist us in providing funding for our Circle K students, it would be most welcome. If you should have any questions regarding this letter, you can reach me in the Ohio District Office at (888) 827-8196. Thank you so much for all that you do to serve the Children of the World.
Support Us
Your Support Matters!
District Event Sponsorship
The Ohio District of Circle K International has the opportunity to organize three state-wide events for Circle K Members to attend. To keep these events as accessible as possible, sponsorships are open to offset the costs and provide members with engaging service projects, leadership training, and fellowship networking opportunities. Support us today as we welcome the district to District Convention 2025!
$50 Bourbon Street Band Sponsor receives a social media shoutout!
$100 Parade Float Sponsor receives a social media and program shoutout!
$250 Royal Court Sponsor receives a social media and program shoutout, and an announcement at the event!
KICK: Kiwanis Investing in Circle K
As a Kiwanian, most of us acknowledge the unqualified success of our Service Leadership Programs in building the leaders of tomorrow. Kiwanis Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K, and Aktion Club are fantastic examples of how we are changing the world, one community and one child at a time. Thank you for all that you do to support these Kiwanis Family organizations.
That being said, one of our organizations can use your assistance. If you have had a student in college, you know how much it costs to send children to school. Circle K students simply have a difficult time finding the money to attend conventions and conferences that help develop the leadership skills they need. Due to economic conditions, our college service group finds it very difficult to find the needed funding to operate their conventions, conferences, and leadership training sessions. We need your help to ensure that quality training continues on a district-wide basis without the need to significantly increase the cost to our students. What can you do?
If you or your club can assist us in providing funding for our Circle K students, it would be most welcome. If you should have any questions regarding this letter, you can reach me in the Ohio District Office at (888) 827-8196. Thank you so much for all that you do to serve the Children of the World.