Ohio District of Circle K International

Circle K International (CKI) is the premier collegiate and university community service, leadership development, and friendship organization in the world. Circle K clubs are organized and sponsored by a Kiwanis club on a college or university campus. CKI blends community service and leadership training with the opportunity to meet other college students around the world.

Circle K? Like the gas station? No, Circle K International (or CKI for short) is the largest collegiate service organization and is related to Kiwanis (and Key Club). We do service, not slushies. CKI has over 10,000 members all over the world, and is the worlds oldest and largest collegiate service organization. We are all about service, fellowship, and leadership.

The Ohio District of Circle K International (ODCKI) nearly 250 members in clubs on twelve college campuses and growing. We do more than 3,000 community service hours every year with our service partners and local organizations to help each college community as well as the world.

As a district, we try to connect with other members of the Kiwanis family (including Key Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club, and K-Kids) as well as with members from other CKI clubs. We also meet up three times a year: at Fall Rally, we gather on a campus or at a camp to do service, learn about membership opportunities, and meet Circle K members from all over the state. In February, we meet for District Convention (DCON) to elect new district officers and present awards to clubs and members that have done great things that year. In the spring, new officers gather at Spring Officers Training (SpOT) to learn how to do their duties to the best of their abilities. And in the summer, Circle K members travel to the International Convention (ICON) to meet Circle K members from all over the world, do service in the same city, get leadership and service training, and elect international officers.

We hope to see you at a Circle K event!
