The 2024-2025 District Board of the Mighty Ohio District of Circle K International is made up of students from several universities across the state of Ohio. The board members are responsible for carrying out their duties as outlined in their respective position descriptions. Elected positions are voted on at our District Convention and Committee Chair positions are appointed by the District Governor. There are positions that are elected and appointed available for members of Circle K International from clubs within the district each year.
Elected Positions
District Governor Neha Pasupuleti The Ohio State University
Lieutenant Governor Captial Division Sanya Patel The Ohio State University
Lieutenant Governor Western Reserve Division Ethan McKinney Baldwin Wallace University
District Secretary-Treasuer Jacob Egnor University of Toledo
Lieutenant Governor Erie Division Cyler Amor University of Toledo
Lieutenant Governor Buckeye Trails Division Grace Smith Shawnee State University
District Bulletin Edior Ella Powell Baldwin Wallace University
Lieutenant Governor River Hills Division Ashley Reynolds Miami University
Chair Positions
Fall Rally Co-Chair Elisabeth Madore Ohio Wesleyan University
Spring Officer Training Chair VACANT
Service Chair Makayla Aiken Shawnee State University
Fall Rally Co-Chair Megan Hohman The Ohio State University
Laws, Regulations and Awards Chair VACANT
Club Building & Membership Engagement Chair VACANT
District ConventionChair Hannah Miles Bowling Green State University
Kiwanis Family Relations Chair Brooke Ehorn University of Cincinnati
Membership Education & Development Chair
Kiwanis Committee
District Administrator Chad Gardner Kiwanis Club of Columbus
Assistant Administrator Brandi Bowen University Kiwanis Club
Assistant Administrator Shawn Sech University Kiwanis Club
Assistant Administrator Colton Morton Cincinnati Kiwanis Club
Ohio District Board
About the District Board
The 2024-2025 District Board of the Mighty Ohio District of Circle K International is made up of students from several universities across the state of Ohio. The board members are responsible for carrying out their duties as outlined in their respective position descriptions. Elected positions are voted on at our District Convention and Committee Chair positions are appointed by the District Governor. There are positions that are elected and appointed available for members of Circle K International from clubs within the district each year.
Elected Positions
Chair Positions
Kiwanis Committee