2024-25 Service Year

Here are the District Goals for the 2024-25 service year. We can’t wait to work hard this year and try to meet every single one of these goals!

District Membership: 400
Active Clubs: 18
Service Hours: 4,000
Fundraising: $3,500
Kiwanis Family Relations/Events: 60
Interclub events: 30
New Charters: 4
Fall Rally: 75
DCON: 75
SpOT: 40
ICON: 10

We are the Mighty Ohio District!

To reach these goals, Governor Neha will be focusing her Governor’s Project on mental health awareness. Clubs can participate through spreading awareness, fundraising, promoting self-care and healthy strategies, and engaging with community patterns. We encourage clubs to partner with other organizations on campus and other CKI Club/Kiwanis Family branches. Contact District Service Chair Makayla for more information, project ideas, and to submit your club’s projects.
